- Authors: Ian Douglas Wilson
- Editor / Translator: Rosalia Sciortino/Adhie Ariebowo (dari bahasa Inggris)
- Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia (YOI), 2020
- ISBN: 978-602-433-960-9
This book is only available in Indonesian evaluating the changes in socio-cultural activities in Indonesia, particularly West Java Province, and the influences on the development of Pencak Silat. Based on the research and personal experience doing pencak silat, Ian Douglas Wilson writes about the time of the New Order when the government held strong authority and influenced the development of the national version of pencak silat with certain values and mobility for political purposes.
If you are interested please visit http://obor.or.id/Politik-Tenaga-Dalam-Praktik-Pencak-Silat-di-Jawa-Barat
Price: Rp.120.000 – 15 USD (Exclude shipping)
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