Volunteering your time and skills is of great value to the O’ong Maryono Pencak Silat Award and its mission. There are a variety of ways in which you can volunteer, from sharing your knowledge and facilitating forum discussions to helping organize events and promoting the Award’s mission.
For the Award to succeed, it is essential to become known among pencak silat practitioners and socio-cultural researchers and other stakeholders. You can assist us in advocating for the importance of preserving and promoting pencak silat as well as in spreading the word to your friends and relatives about the Award and its activities. Here you can download a folder to inform others about the Award.
We also need help in identifying potential Award candidates and encouraging them to contact us. Not many in the pencak silat world are familiar with programs like this and few social and cultural science researchers pay attention to pencak silat. If this is to change, it will need concerted efforts.
In the future, as the Award grows, there will be volunteering and internship opportunities in the office. We also hope that as the number of events increases you will be interested in attending them as well as contributing to their promotion and organization.