Training Manuals and Other Material

Training Manuals

This section consists of electronic versions of manuals and other training material produced by Master O’ong Maryono during his career as a trainer in various countries, most never before published.

It also includes manuals published by others, but based on Master O’ong Maryono’s teachings, such as “Nusantara: The Way of Master O’ong Maryono,” by Andreas Schredl and Peter Raumaf, and a manual produced by KPS Nusantara Master Suhartono with photographic material provided by Master O’ong Maryono entitled “Buku Pelajaran Pencak Silat Nusantara: Program Beladiri Praktis.”

Vereniging Melatih Beladiripraktis Nusantara Pencak Silat Olah Raga KPSN